Defensive Driving for Police

Learning Objectives

According to the most recent statistics from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, vehicle-related incidents were the second leading cause of police officer deaths in the line of duty after firearm-related deaths. Especially tragic, many of these incidents could be prevented if better driving techniques and judgment were used behind the wheel.

Law enforcement agencies need a broad range of training programs to prepare officers to handle the many dangers they face safely. For example, gun-related deaths were successfully reduced through increased training, refinement of procedures, and advances in technology. In addition, safe-driver training and better driving practices can mitigate vehicle-related fatalities and injuries.

Please contact your Risk Management Consultant if you would like to schedule a regional or member-only training program. Training is provided to CIRMA members only. 

Training topics will include:

  • Awareness and statistics of police vehicle accidents,
  • Review of state statutes,
  • Assessment of five common crash causes,
  • Review of special traffic considerations,
  • Roadway scene safety,
  • Risk management best practices,
  • Review of response vehicle policies.

Participants will receive two (2) hours of POSTC credits.


This training and education program is designed for:

  • Police and law enforcement personnel and leaders
  • Municipal leaders
  • Town Managers
  • First Selectman
  • Risk Managers