Workers’ compensation insurance fraud

We all pay for insurance fraud. Whether through higher insurance premiums, diminished workplace morale, or higher taxes—fraud hurts our economy, legal system, and communities.

Insurance fraud:
a high price to pay

Workers’ Compensation Fraud violates Connecticut General Statute 31-290c (2019). If the benefits obtained through fraud exceed $2,000, the offense is a Class B felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

Fraud schemes have become increasingly more complex in recent years; staged-accident scenes and healthcare fraud scams are often sophisticated, scalable operations. Bad players can quickly adjust their approach to try and remain undetected.

We can help

From fraud detection to finalizing an investigation, CIRMA’s Special Investigation Unit is equally swift to react. Our claims handling model ensures that data trends and insights are shared early and often. Our prompt identification of fraudulent claims followed by timely and professional investigations enables us to avoid making unmerited claim payments, saving you money, and helping reduce loss costs.

Suspect something? Say something. 

If you suspect fraud, call CIRMA’s Special Investigation Unit at (203) 946-3797 or
email Our teams are here to help—all information will be kept confidential. 

Can you identify fraud?

Workers’ compensation fraud can take many forms, such as making false claims, withholding information, exaggerating claims, and working at another job while collecting benefits. Download and print our collection of anti-fraud posters to raise awareness about fraud in the workplace: 

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